Alisa Wyatt

Alisa Wyatt

Thank you for collaborating with thesecretlarevista, a pleasure to have you here.

Could you tell us a bit about how you started in the world of Pilates?

I found Pilates when I was working in book publishing in New York City.  I immediately loved it and wanted to know everything so right away I entered the training program. Even though I started training with zero intention of leaving my publishing career, by the end I knew teaching Pilates was what I wanted to do.

How would you define Pilates from your personal point of view?

For me the definition of Pilates is empowerment through movement.

What has been the most important tool in your career as a teacher and mentor?

Listening and attuning to what people need and the goals they are hoping to achieve.

What is your way of seeing life and what do you think is important right now?

I see life as an incredible adventure that we only get to go on once. So if we treat others and our environment with love, respect and curiosity, we get so much more out of the adventure!

Do you have a secret that you would like to share or any advice that you think can help?

If you're coming up against a decision, ask yourself 'is this a hell-yes!? If the answer is no, listen to that.

Thank you Alisa.