Stretch , That’s It, Stretch For The Sky! By Ron Sokol

Stretch , That’s It, Stretch For The Sky! By Ron Sokol

Joseph Pilates was born in Germany in 1883. He was not well as a child, suffer- ing from asthma, rickets, and rheumatic fever. Joseph would dedicate his life to improving his physical strength, write several books about it, and gain a very devoted following that included many dancers. Pilates today is a well-recognized method of coordination of body, mind, and spirit. The methodology is enhanced by equipment in which Joseph also had a guiding hand.

This leads to Eva Texido Font, who hails from Catalonia, Spain (about 9,611 kilometers from Hawthorne, where she resides). The City of Hawthorne has some 87,000 diversified residents, nice parks, good schools, Space X, and is centrally located. I would also dare say Hawthorne includes some of the most unique and remarkable people on earth.

Eva (pronounced Ava) was one of six children. As a young girl, she liked to dance and became quite accomplished at it. So much so that in 1994 she contracted to perform in Japan as part of a Spanish- Japanese show. When that ended, she auditioned for a show to be performed in Las Vegas, Nevada (also quite a distance from Catalonia, Spain). She was told she was just too short and would never find a job in Vegas. Not only was she hired, but typically she was the shortest dancer hired for the show.

Eva would spend 17 years there as part of very popular magic shows and dance shows and became quite an accomplished choreographer. A number of the shows she was involved with traveled to Brazil, Mexico, and Japan, among other far reaches of the globe. She is, in fact, an avowed world traveler.

Eva so enjoyed the gratefulness she felt and the emotional uplift the shows provided to the audiences. She became aware that making people happy and making others feel better was her real passion. She particularly liked (and likes) the Los Angeles area because here in Southern California, there is palpable and sincere interest in connecting energy and mindfulness to help and heal people. As such, she made her way to the South Bay and for many years now teaches Pilates and Reiki (an energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and lowers both stress and anxiety through gentle touch).

Before Covid, Eva had very well attended classes, but she is now focused on one-on- one or one-with-a-duet (two folks) since the Pandemic. Some sessions are by zoom. She works almost every day of the week and is scheduled in May to lead an eight- to-ten-person retreat to Sayulita, Mexico, a lovely seaside town. Eva has several Pilates Certifications and clarifies: “You never finish learning. The body, mind, and spirit evolve. There is change. We can heal. We can get even better!”

Eva’s instruction goes beyond the physical exercise. Her dedication is to help you become the best version of yourself. Ironically, as I am writing this column, the evening news is audible in the background. It reminds me that the world at large, even with all its glory and beauty, seems downright treacherous today. Our beloved America itself is racked by anger and contention.

So, yes, indeed, it is quite a long way from Catalonia, Spain, to Hawthorne, California. But there is, as they say, a reason for every- thing. I visited Eva’s website (Evasoulbody. fit) and read testimonials about her. Did I mention Hawthorne has some of the most remarkable people on earth?

After all, Joseph Pilates himself wound his way from Germany to England and then to the United States. He left a tremendous legacy, and many then and now sing his praises for the help he provided, for the healing he led them to.

Eva Texido Font stands all of 5 foot 4 inches. She is 54 years young. She is bottled sunshine. That’s how I describe it— bottled sunshine. Maybe one of the reasons she came to Southern California is because there is quite a bit of sunshine here. It makes perfect sense that she feels at home in these environs, as well she should, as well she should.

 “Change happens through movement and movement heals.”

– Joseph pilates

Ron Sokol