We spoke with Gloria Gasperi

We spoke with Gloria Gasperi

1. My Journey in this amazing world of Contrology started in 1999. I come from sports and at that time I just started the University in Chinesiology.
I was in boston with my father, who is and endocrinologist and was there for a Congress.
While there, I tried a lesson of Mat and I, even I couldn't understand yet, in that moment, the power of the work, I felt there was something special in what I was doing and I felt I needed to know something more about it!

2. Contrology for me is an attitude to life. It's a magical tool to connect to my deepest self and to go back to the Unity of the body and of the body with the spirit . It's a dynamic meditation, it's a tool to get into the flow, it's an education, a discipline, a feeling, a concept, a philosophy.

3.The constant, consistent practice. On top of all, beside the amazing teachers I had (my wonderful mentor Jay Grimes in particular) and the countless lessons I receive every day from my clients and students, te self practice is what allows me to feel the work inside myself and deepen my understanding of it, so to be able to guide others in this wonderful journey.

4. My way of seeing life? well... love is what matters more than anything else, the relationships I can create with my loved ones, my son most of all. Freedom of spirit and vision.
I think this so particular moment of the world is bringing up what really matters, real intentions of people and real relationships.
This Joe's quote says a lot of what is very important to me : "Decide to remain true to yourself"

5. What I would like to share... is to remember to feed our own souls and to do what we like and resonate with own deep selves.
I have some little secrets places where I go to reconnect with myself, always immresed in te nature, like a little grotto that I reach with my boat here in Cinque Terre area where I live.
So my advice is... know yourself ... all of yourself, light and dark and don't be scared to go through everything you need to stay true to your deeper self.
